Into the Blogger-Verse

Bellow you’ll find a links to some of my friends in the blogosphere:

Where it all began. It was only a few months after I graduate college when I saw that one of the premier websites for the fandom devoted to CS Lewis The Chronicles of Narnia was looking for writers. I contacted the webmaster and within a day I had my gig. It is here where I share my book reviews, interviews with authors, and, up until the pandemic hit, engaged in April Fools Day shenanigans.

This link is for one of my best bros, Mark Spurbeck, a certified personal trainer. we’ve been buds since Freshman Year of college at Bethel University when he was the only one who appreciated a Star Wars joke I made during a floor meeting. He also helped me start up my blog. If you’re looking to get healthy, Mark is your guy.

I’ve known Julia since I was in the third grade. It is an honor to call her my friend, and if you are in need of editorial services, she’s the one to talk to. Plus her price point is hard to pass up!

Bailey is one of the many writers I’ve had the pleasure to “meet”via my work at NarniaFans. Her first book was enjoyable, but it’s been a real delight to see the progress of her work since then.

These next two bloggers share my passion for blogging on matters of faith, literature and culture and do it with genuine class, grace, and sensitivity without browbeating their readers.

This is one of my newest blogger friends.

More to come!